Junk Report…3/4/14

Once again, this crappy weather is killing my junking. It was kind of sleeting Saturday morning. If my honey was home, I might have braved it, but going junking alone in the cold rain just wasn’t looking too appealing.

I went to Goodwill on Sunday afternoon. I found a few good things, but it was pretty slim pickings. Of course, I spent less than ten dollars, so what the heck!


1. Vintage Pyrex trivets (only one was marked, and she gave me all three for the price of one!)
2. Basket (any time I find old looking baskets, I buy them)
3. Framed needlepoint cardinal (I had to get this, my grandmother loved red birds)
4. Cute vintage creamer (the flowers on it are my favorite color, turquoise)
5. 2 milkglass spice jars, cinnamon and thyme
6. Books: Kovel’s Collectibles Guide, Field Guide to American Architecture, This Old House

Not too bad, considering, I guess!

Happy junking!

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